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May/2024- Biocides updates for USA

EPA Issues Draft Risk Assessment for Use of Formaldehyde as a Pesticide (Biocide) under FIFRA

On April 19th, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a draft risk assessment concerning the pesticidal uses of formaldehyde and paraformaldehyde under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). This assessment is now open for public comment as part of the regulatory process. The report identifies various risks associated with the use of these chemicals, emphasising their impact on human health and the environment.

Formaldehyde is widely used to disinfect agricultural facilities and equipment, extend the shelf life of various consumer products, and prevent microbial contamination in industrial settings. Additionally, it is employed for specific needs in Washington State, such as controlling nematodes, insects, and fungi on ornamental flower bulbs. Paraformaldehyde, a derivative that releases formaldehyde, is used to sterilise laboratory spaces and equipment and manage odours in unoccupied properties and storage areas.

The EPA’s findings highlight the pervasive nature of formaldehyde, which is not only industrially used but also naturally produced and released by organic decay and combustion processes like vehicle emissions and wood burning. Exposure to formaldehyde, which can occur via inhalation or skin contact, has been linked to a variety of health risks, including sensory irritation, respiratory problems, and increased cancer risk, particularly in occupational settings where its use is prevalent.

The environmental impact of formaldehyde usage, particularly its potential risks to terrestrial and possibly aquatic organisms, is also underscored in the EPA’s report. The agency has expressed concerns about the implications of using formaldehyde to treat ornamental bulbs, which may expose both terrestrial and aquatic environments to harmful levels of the chemical.

As the EPA continues to gather more data, particularly on its use for ornamental bulbs, they invite public commentary to refine their assessments. This ongoing review highlights the delicate balance the EPA seeks to maintain between the benefits of formaldehyde’s pesticidal use and the potential risks it poses to health and the environment. The agency’s call for comments is part of its broader effort to ensure that these uses do not lead to unreasonable adverse effects, aligning with FIFRA’s regulatory framework.  EPA is accepting public comments on the FIFRA draft risk assessment for 60 days via docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2015-0739 in this concept. 

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