Events & Conferences

Online workshop "Endocrine Disruptors - from theory to practice"

18 nov 2020
online event

Endocrine disruptors workshop on 18 November 2020 - save the date!

In mid November an online workshop with the topic of endocrine disruptors will take place. knoell regulatory experts Martina Duft and Daniela Fruth, together with Daniela Romano from Eurofins, will guide you through the workshop.

ED properties of Biocidal Products have become a hot topic since 07 June 2018, because evaluating competent authorities assess the potential ED properties of all biocidal products. The ECHA/EFSA guidance for the identification of endocrine disruptors, implies rising standards and challenging requirements for the assessment of all substances.

This virtual workshop aims to provide a full understanding and in-depth insight into the new EU Endocrine Disruptor criteria, and the recent ECHA/EFSA ED Guidance. Key industry experts will share valid and sound knowledge for identifying endocrine disrupting chemicals in the biocides area.

Who should attend?
This virtual workshop is relevant to risk assessors, regulatory managers and (eco-)toxicologists engaged with the assessment of biocidal active substances/products. By attending you will be equipped with the necessary know-how to address the highly complex and challenging assessment of the potential ED properties of biocidal products.

The official workshop language will be English.

For more information please check the workshop brochure or visit the event website.

Early bird discount valid until 18 October 2020