Events & Conferences

Endocrine Disruptors

Workshop - Identifying Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
24 10 月 2019
Mainz, Germany
Learn from the expert!


Are you concerned about the latest developments regarding the assessment of endocrine disrupting (ED) properties and the possible consequences for biocides and plant protection products? Then this workshop will help to prepare you for the next submission.

The course, run by Chemical Watch in association with knoell Germany GmbH, will provide you with comprehensive background information and in-depth insight into the new EU Endocrine Disruptor criteria, and the recent ECHA/EFSA Guidance. Implications for biocides and plant protection products will be discussed as well as the challenges co-formulants might present due to lack of available data packages and issues with data access. knoell's ED experts Martina Duft and Daniela Fruth will share their hands-on experience with you and will provide you with the necessary know-how and tools to tackle the complexity of ED assessments.

Book your seat now.


Dr Michael Cleuvers
Dr Michael Cleuvers
Director Products & Markets