Events & Conferences

Biostimulants Regulatory Forum

Biostimulants Regulation: What’s changing?
19 - 20 11 月 2019
Barcelona, Spain
Booth No. 76!


Classification, Efficacy & Labelling: navigate the requirements for Biostimulants under the Fertilising Products Regulation

This November, all the key players shaping the future of biostimulants regulation are coming to Barcelona. Join them to ensure you're at the forefront of the latest discussions. You will get an update on the fertilising products regulation, hear about the impact of other regulations on biostimulants in Europe and you will also learn about what the situation for this kind of products is like in other regions of the world.

We are excited to announce that knoell will be exhibiting at the Biostimulants Regulatory Forum, co-located with this year's Biostimulants World Congress in Barcelona. Our biostimulants and fertiliser experts are looking forward to meeting you there. Watch out for Booth No. 76!