Latest info

First IUCLID dossier for plant protection products prepared

Challenge mastered - A consultant with 20 years of experience in IUCLID for biocides and chemicals looks back.

EU Transparency Regulation now applicable

The Transparency Regulation (notification under Article 32b and Article 32c(1)) introduces the new requirement to pre-notify to EFSA all studies...

Public consultation launched

EFSA’s FOCUS surface water repair action

The EFSA working group “FOCUS surface water repair action” started in July 2017 with a mandate from the European commission to improve the FOCUS...

More information on
Crop Protection

Aged sorption of pesticides - EU regulatory assessments

New EFSA’s Scientific Opinion: How aged sorption of pesticides should be investigated, analyzed and used in EU regulatory assessments

EFSA Guidance on the Definition of the Residue for Dietary Risk Assessment

The EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues developed new guidance on identifying the pertinent residue components that should...